Thank you for visiting the Bayou Soul Youth Literary Conference virtual event experience here on Teach:able. We are excited about this year's conference! We have a lot of special invited guests, honorees, and great presentations! We are also excited about the 2020 Dr. Maya Angelou Essay Contest for high school and college students! Winners of the contest will have a chance to win scholarship cash prizes! Stay tuned and check back daily as we update the site! The full 3 day conference will be available to relive by close of Day 3, Friday, November 20, and will stay up for free access until December 17.

We can't wait to meet with our experts for this discussion. Hope you were able to join us live so we could include one of your questions. Don't worry if not! Each Breakout Session will be recorded and available right here to rewatch by Friday 11/20.

  • Team Bayou Soul

Enjoy a broken down version of our virtual conference and take a quiz on what you've learned. After each day the conference premieres on Bayou Soul Youth Literary Conference Facebook page for the first time, Teachable will be complete for your review.

Visit us at for more about us, our students, and the Essay Contest.

Instagram/ Facebook/ Twitter/ TikTok/ Youtube @bayousoulconf

#BSYLC2020 #BayouLITcon #bayousoulyouthliteraryconference